ISSN 2984-1518

Вид издания: электронное СМИ

Дата государственной перерегистрации: 01.03.2024

Страна: Финляндия

Today: 23.Feb.2025
The first review of the 4th volume of L. Szondi "Oneself-analysis"

Whoever the person considers himself, he can not ignore the way he actually behaves. Communicating with people, the most common word in use "oneself" can be heard often. But what is known about "oneself", what it is or who it is? Nobody ever did a thorough research of this issue, except the Hungarian psychologist, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, the author of the "Fate Analysis concept" Lipot Szondi.

For his last years L. Szondi worked in Switzerland and died in a nursing home. He wrote many books throughout his life, but the key of his publications which fall on the peak of his career and form the skeleton of fatepsychology are five main books: "Fate Analysis", "Manual of Experimental Diagnostics of intentions ", "Pathology of intentions," "Oneself-analysis" and "Fate-analysis therapy". The first three are already known to the world community and the Russian-speaking population. But the main and practical 4th and 5th volumes, "Oneself-analysis" and "Fate-analysis therapy", unfortunately have not been translated by nobody. The only exception is the International Research Institute of Fate Analysis, run with an applied scientist Mr. Oleg Maltsev.

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The Institute possesses all technologies and methodologies that are necessary, as well as highly qualified experts, that allows to work with the publications of the Hungarian psychologist, to translate them into Russian, as well as the extensive use of the data in the practical work that provides with a considerable applied aspect not only scientists, but also those who are just starting to learn about fate analysis and fate therapy.

So, since the main subject of this article is the fourth volume - "Oneself-analysis", what this book is all about? Despite the language barrier, the scanty Fate analysis school, the most important obstacle during translation was the method and approach used by the author. In comparison with the practical fifth volume, which allows to understand the concept of fate, to see how the fate looks like, why is it the way it is, why is it predetermined, and ask again whether it is really predetermined, and to answer the question of what to do with it, one of the disappointing conclusions of the book is that in the era we all live, when person does not know "oneself", does not know the memory and his environment - all people are sick. This is the conclusion of L. Szondi himself. When a person finishes reading the 5th book - world does not turn upside down, but he loses a huge amount of the false beliefs that are each of us is likely has.

So, in the view of the 4th volume, the approach is exactly the opposite. The book is as so simple in the presentation as complicated and confusing in terminology the fifth book is. And if the fifth volume is a set of terms describing catamnesis of a patient, what he did for many years, the fourth volume shows the structure of a person, it is the answer to the question of who is "oneself", what is "oneself", with what it interacts, how it’s born and comes into this world. The basis of the concept lies in choosing. L. Szondi believes that there is no more powerful and strong mechanism healing a person than a choice. But this choice, of course, must be objective.

Moreover, you will never see a book that so aptly and meaningful describes the torments of a person being unknowledgeable of applied science, when he had to be treated for 9 years before achieve the results, and sometimes 10 years is not enough. So the tremendous merit of L. Szondi is that everything that was said and not said about who is "oneself" - Szondi, operating with philosophical concepts, assembled in one book.

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This fourth volume can truly be called a system-wide orientation of modern science, of the whole depth psychology and the science of humanity in general. So let's see what this book begins with. The fly-leaf says that it is dedicated to S. Freud. Most likely due to the fact, that Szondi knew him personally very well. So well, that he could thoroughly cite certain fragments of his most important works.

A key object of the study of this volume is unconscious. And the first model, which is described by Szondi, says that Freud was the first one who introduced the concept of a certain personal unconscious. He described it like this: “Imagine that you are like a ball. This ball has another one inside, that’s smaller, but you do not know about it. This little ball Freud called "it", and the bigger ball represents everything else. And there is also an outside world, which puts pressure on you, and that you want to influence at”. Due to the various circumstances in life, due to the exertion, something that is in a large ball spills outside. You know the contents of spilling stuff so you are not surprised of it. But you have no clue what's in a small ball. So when it spills out - then you are dealing with a displaced unconscious.

What is the more valuable for L. Szondi’s publication? He not only personally knew C. Jung and S. Freud, but also all the elite of that time, and had the opportunity to work with them. That’s why in the fourth book we see the quintessence of the comparative results of the practice of many scientists that was consolidated in a single table. So, over 530 pages are full with a huge research work, which is completed with a specific logic model, that describes what is fate.

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And the main conclusion which was made by L. Szondi is following: "Only that person can be called an expert in "oneself" who knows perfectly the language of symbols, symptoms and choice; can talk in this languages, can decipher them, explain and allows another person to learn how to speak these three languages. Only such a person knew his unconscious". And in fact - his memory.

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ISSN 2984-1518

Вид издания: электронное СМИ

Дата государственной перерегистрации: 01.03.2024

Страна: Финляндия