ISSN 2984-1518

Вид издания: электронное СМИ

Дата государственной перерегистрации: 01.03.2024

Страна: Финляндия

Today: 22.Oct.2024
The first English-language issue of the newspaper "Your Fate"

The editorial board of the newspaper "Your Fate" presents the first English-language issue of popular science articles of the newspaper "Your Fate". The topics of the articles cover the life history of Lipot Szondi, the founder of the concept of fate-analysis, and the "Szondi test" developed by him, as well as reveals current topics in the field of depth psychology, fate-analysis psychodiagnostics and MartinAchtnich'sprojective photo-test of professional guidance. 

You can download the issue by clicking on the link "First English-language issue" in red font below.



issue1 1

issue1 2

issue1 3

issue1 5

 issue1 7

issue1 9

issue1 10


We thank you, dear reader, for your attention to our newspaper and invite you to a fascinating journey in the world of depth psychology!

Editorial Board of "Your Fate"

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ISSN 2984-1518

Вид издания: электронное СМИ

Дата государственной перерегистрации: 01.03.2024

Страна: Финляндия